Appendix I: Selected Bibliography

Anderson, W.P., P.S. Kanaroglou and E.J. Miller (1996) "Urban Form, Energy, and the Environment: A Review of Issues, Evidence, and Policy," Urban Studies, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 7-35.

Badoe, D. (1994) An Investigation into the Long Range Transferability of Work-Trip Discrete Mode Choice Models, Ph.D. thesis, Toronto: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto.

Badoe, D.A. and E.J. Miller (2000) "Transportation-Land-Use Interactions: Empirical Findings and Implications for Modeling." Transportation Research D: Transport & Environment, Vol. 5D, No. 4, pp. 235-263.

Badoe, D., E.J. Miller and K.S. Fan (1992) Understanding and Modelling Modal Choice in the Greater Toronto Area, Volume II: Analysis of Spatial and Socio-Economic Variations in Work Trip Mode Choice Behaviour, final report, Project No. 38215 for the Ministry of Transportation, Ontario, Toronto: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, March.

Bailey, G.K., E.J. Miller and G.N. Steuart (1990) Understanding Urban Travel Growth in the Greater Toronto Area, Volume I, Travel to the Central Area of Toronto: A Descriptive Analysis & Policy Implications, Report No. TDS-90-05, Toronto: Research and Development Branch, Ministry of Transportation Ontario, November.

Blais, P.M. (2000) Inching Toward Sustainability: The Evolving Urban Structure of the GTA, The Neptis Foundation Study, Toronto: University of Toronto, March.

DMG (2002) 2001 Transportation Tomorrow Survey Seminar, Toronto: Data Management Group, Joint Program in Transportation, University of Toronto, October 31.

Fan, K.S., E.J. Miller and D. Badoe (1992) Understanding and Modelling Modal Choice in the Greater Toronto Area, Volume I: Modelling Rail Access Mode and Station Choice, final report, Project No. 38215 for the Ministry of Transportation, Ontario, Toronto: Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, March.

GHK Canada (2002) Growing Together: Prospects for Renewal in the Toronto Region, report prepared for the City of Toronto, Toronto: GHK Canada.

Haider, M. (2002) Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Determinants of Owner-Occupied Housing Supply, Ph.D. thesis, Toronto: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, December.

IBI Group (2000) Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Travel: Tool for Evaluating Neighbourhood Sustainability, Research Report, Healthy Housing and Communities Series, Ottawa: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, February.

IBI Group (2002) Toronto-Related Region Futures Study, Draft Interim Report: Implications of Business-As-Usual Development, Toronto: Neptis Foundation, June.

Mees, P. (2000) A Very Public Solution: Transport in the Dispersed City, Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.

Miller, E.J.(1993) "Central Area Mode Choice and Parking Demand," Transportation Research Record 1413, pp. 60-69.

Miller, E.J. (2001) The Greater Toronto Area Travel Demand Modelling System, Version 2.0, Volume I: Model Overview, Toronto: Joint Program in Transportation, University of Toronto, January.

Miller, E.J. and A. Ibrahim (1998) "Urban Form and Vehicular Travel: Some Empirical Findings," Transportation Research Record 1617, pp. 18-27.

Miller, E.J. and A. Lee (2002) A Personal Use Vehicle Emissions Audit for the Greater Toronto Area, final project report to the Toronto Atmospheric Fund, Toronto: Joint Program in Transportation, University of Toronto, January.

Miller, E.J. and M.J. Roorda (2002) Estimating CO2 Emissions and Other Transportation Impacts of Alternative Urban forms, Report II: Summary of Base Network Model Test Results, in Growing Together: Prospects for Renewal in the Toronto Region, Background Reports, report to the City of Toronto, Toronto: GHK Canada, May, pp 17-40.

Miller, E.J., M.J. Roorda, A. Mohammadian, M. Haider, J. Hoss and W.W.L. Wong (2002) Transportation and Housing Costs in the Greater Toronto Area: An Empirical Analysis, 1986-1996, Volume I: Final Project Report, report to Neptis Foundation, Toronto: Joint Program in Transportation, University of Toronto, December.

Miller, E.J. and A. Shalaby (2000) Travel in the Greater Toronto Area: Past and Current Behaviour and Relation to Urban Form, The Neptis Foundation Study, Toronto: University of Toronto, January.

Miller, E.J., G.N. Steuart and D. Jea (1990a) Understanding Urban Travel Growth in the Greater Toronto Area, Volume III, Future Travel Trends and Their Implications for Transportation Policy in the Greater Toronto Area, Report No. TDS-90-07, Toronto: Research and Development Branch, Ministry of Transportation Ontario, November.

Miller, E.J., G.N. Steuart, D. Jea and J. Hong (1990b) Understanding Urban Travel Growth in the Greater Toronto Area, Volume II, Trip Generation Relationships in the Greater Toronto Area, Report No. TDS-90-06, Toronto: Research and Development Branch, Ministry of Transportation Ontario, November.

Roorda, M. J., A. Mohammadian and E.J. Miller (2000), "Toronto Area Car Ownership Study: A Retrospective Interview and Its Applications," Transportation Research Record 1719, pp. 69-76.

Schimek, P. (1997) Understanding the Relatively Greater Use of Public Transit in Canada Compared to the USA, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge MA: Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Soberman, R.M. (2001) Reducing Automobile Dependence: Transportation Options for the City of Toronto, Toronto: City of Toronto, Urban Development Services, April.

Soberman, R.M. (2002) Transportation Building Blocks for the Official Plan, Toronto: City of Toronto, Urban Development Services, June.

Soberman, R.M. and E.J. Miller (1997) Full Cost Pricing and Sustainable Urban Transportation: A Case Study of the Greater Toronto Area, report to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Toronto: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, July.

Soberman, R.M. and E.J. Miller (1999) Sensitivity of Travel Forecasts to Road Pricing, final report to Natural Resources Canada, Toronto: Department of Civil Engineering, March.

Soberman, R.M. and E.J. Miller (1999) "The Impacts of Full Cost Pricing on the Sustainability of Urban Transportation: Towards Canada's Kyoto Commitments," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 345-354.